Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"Automagic" mount (at boot time) of a windows folder in FreeBSD 7

Mounting share folder at boot time looks like easy yeah.... but you need to know what the trick is.

From my gist:

Friday, January 4, 2013

Installing Navisphere CLI on CentOS 6.2

Yes! you need to find the NaviCLI-Linux-64-x86-en_US- file. And yes, it is not easy. Google is your friend.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Commvault backups history from Windows Terminal.

It is tested with CommVault 9 and you will need to install qcommands (it comes with commvault).

The authentication is out of the script (at the moment). Remember to execute 'qlogin' to validate the user/pass first.
